Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday Blues

You know, that feeling, when you're just sitting, wondering what next to do with life and for some reason, you feel lonely.. Very lonely..

Random thoughts spring to head.. Is this where I really want to be? Am I happy? Am I honest, to myself?

You keep wondering about the grass being greener on the other side.. You keep thinking that someone, somewhere in the world is feeling just like you. You are connected to him, in some strange away. Even though he does not know of you yet, he can feel the connection.. The invisible bond is unbreakable. Does that make him your soul mate? Will you ever meet him?

You cross paths with hundreds of people daily.. how many lives do you actually touch?

You think about the stars, moon, universe.. thinking what it would be to actually exist in another planet? If you could look at yourself from outside the planet earth, what would you see?

You keep thinking and wondering, and that moment passes...

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